
An (almost) full publication list is available at dblp and google scholar.

Most of my more recent papers either list all authors in alphabetic (indicated by a pink *) or randomized (indicated by a purple ®) order, with their publicly verifiable record of the randomization available here. If you have ever wondered why one would do this, see this very brief essay discussing this issue.


K. Schweppe, S. P. Nayak, A. Ghosh, A. Tej and A.-K. Schmuck. Integrating Physical & Logical Feedback Control on a Differential Drive Robot. 2024. (under review)

A. Nejati, S. P. Nayak and A.-K. Schmuck. Reactive Synthesis of Stochastic Control Systems: A Mode-triggered Safety Barrier Approach. 2024. CDC’24 (to appear)

* I. Saglam, A.-K. Schmuck, M. Tsyrempilon. A Decremental Algorithm for Fair Büchi Games. 2024. ATVA’24 (to appear)

® A.-K. Schmuck, P. Heim, R. Dimitrova, S. P. Nayak . Localized Attractor Computations for Infinite-State Games. 2024. CAV’24. (to appear, full version)

A. Mainhardt and A.-K. Schmuck. Synthesis of Decentralized Supervisory Control via Contract Negotiation. 2024. Transactions on Automatic Control. (to appear, PrePrint)

Journal Articles:

S. P. Nayak, L. N. Egidio, M. Della Rossa, A.-K. Schmuck, R. M. Jungers. Context-Triggered Abstraction-Based Control Design. 2023. IEEE Open Journal of Control Systems (PDF, HSCC poster)

* R. Majumdar, K. Mallik, A.-K. Schmuck, and S. Soudjani. Symbolic Control for Stochastic Systems via Finite Parity Games. 2023. NAHS. (PDF, ArXiv Preprint)

* T. Banerjee, R. Majumdar, K. Mallik, A.-K. Schmuck, and S. Soudjani. Fast Symbolic Algorithms for Omega-Regular Games under Strong Transition Fairness. 2022. TheoretiCS. (PDF, ArXiv Preprint) (Acceptance rate: 12,5%)

*R. Majumdar, A.-K. Schmuck. Supervisory Controller Synthesis for Non-terminating Processes is an Obliging Game. 2022. Transactions on Automatic Control, 2022 (PDF, extended version)

A.-K. Schmuck, T. Moor, R. Majumdar. On the Relation between Reactive Synthesis and Supervisory Control of Non-Terminating Processes. Journal on Discrete Event Dynamic Systems, 2019. pdf

K. Mallik, A.-K. Schmuck, S. Soudjani, R. Majumdar. Compositional Abstraction-Based Controller Synthesis for Continuous-Time Systems. Transactions on Automatic Control, 2019. PDF

A.-K. Schmuck, R. Majumdar, A. Leva. Dynamic Hierarchical Reactive Controller Synthesis Journal on Discrete Event Dynamic Systems, 2017. PDF

A.-K. Schmuck, S. Schneider, J. Raisch, U. Nestmann. Supervisory Control Synthesis for Deterministic Context Free Specification Languages – Enforcing Controllability Least Restrictively. Journal on Discrete Event Dynamic Systems, 26(1), pages 5-32, 2015. DOI

A.-K. Schmuck, J. Raisch. Asynchronous l-Complete Approximations. Systems and Control Letters, pages 67-75, 2014. DOI

Conference Articles:

A. M. Mainhardt, A. Wintenberg, S. Lafortune, A.-K. Schmuck. Formulating Attacks with Supervisory Control 2024. WODES’24.

A. Nejati, S. P. Nayak and A.-K. Schmuck. Context-triggered Games for Reactive Synthesis over Stochastic Systems via Control Barrier Certificates. 2024. HSCC’24 (PDF)

® A. Anand, A.-K. Schmuck, and S. P. Nayak. Contract-Based Distributed Logical Controller Synthesis. 2024. HSCC’24 (PDF, extended version, HSCC’23 poster) (HSCC’23 best poster award)

* S. P. Nayak, A.-K. Schmuck. Most General Winning Secure Equilibria Synthesis in Graph Games. 2024. TACAS’24 (PDF, extended version)

* D. Hausmann, N. Piterman, I. Sağlam, A.-K. Schmuck. Fair omega-Regular Games. 2024. FoSSaCS’24 (PDF, extended version)

® A.-K. Schmuck, K.S. Thejaswini, I. Sağlam, S.P. Nayak. Solving Two-Player Games
under Progress Assumptions.
2024. VMCAI. (PDF, extended version)

* I. Saglam, A.-K. Schmuck. Solving Odd-Fair Parity Games. 2023. FST&TCS. (PDF, extended version)

* A. Anand, S. P. Nayak, and A.-K. Schmuck. Synthesizing Permissive Winning Strategy Templates for Parity Games. 2023. CAV’23. (PDF, extended version, HSCC poster)

* R. Majumdar, K. Mallik, M. Rychlicki, A.-K. Schmuck, and S. Soudjani. A Flexible Toolchain for Symbolic Rabin Games under Fairness and Stochastic Uncertainties. 2023. CAV’23. (PDF, Preprint, HSCC poster)

M. Zareian and A.-K. Schmuck. Lazy Synthesis of Symbolic Output-Feedback Controllers for State-Based Safety Specifications. 2023. HSCC’23. (PDF)

* A. Anand, K. Mallik, S. P. Nayak, and A.-K. Schmuck. Computing Adequately Permissive Assumptions for Synthesis. 2023. TACAS’23. (PDF, extended version)

A. Mainhardt and A.-K. Schmuck. Assume-Guarantee Synthesis of Decentralized Supervisory Control. WODES’22. 2022. (extended version) (best student paper award)

* B. Finkbeiner, K. Mallik, N. Passing, M. Schledjewski and A.-K. Schmuck. BOCoSy: Small but Powerful Symbolic Output-Feedback Control. 2022. HSCC’22 (PDF, Video).

* T. Banerjee, R. Majumdar, K. Mallik, A.-K. Schmuck, and S. Soudjani. A Direct Symbolic Algorithm for Solving Stochastic Rabin Games. 2022. TACAS’22. (PDF). (EATCS best paper award nominee)

*R. Majumdar, K. Mallik, A.-K. Schmuck, and S. Soudjani. Symbolic Control for Stochastic Systems via Parity Games. 2021.  ADHS’21.  extended version

S. Samuel, K. Mallik, A.-K. Schmuck, D. Neider. Resilient Abstraction-Based Controller Design. 2020. CDC’20. (preprint, Teaser-Video of this poster presented at HSCC’20)

*R. Majumdar, K. Mallik, A.-K. Schmuck, D. Zufferey. Assume-Guarantee Distributed Synthesis. 2020. EMSOFT’20. (PDF)

A.-K. Schmuck, T. Moor, K. W. Schmidt. A Reactive Synthesis Approach to Supervisory Control of Terminating Processes. 2020. IFAC world congress 2020.

T. Moor, K. W. Schmidt, A.-K. Schmuck. An Efficient Algorithm for the Computation of the Controllability Prefix of ∗-Languages. 2020. IFAC world congress 2020.

*R. Majumdar, N.Ozay, A.-K. Schmuck. On Abstraction-Based Controller Design With Output Feedback. 2020. HSCC’20. PDF, full version, talk (screencast video)

*K. Hsu, R. Majumdar, K. Mallik, A.-K. Schmuck. Lazy Abstraction-Based Controller Synthesis. 2019. ATVA’19. (DOI)

Y. Bai, K. Mallik, A.-K. Schmuck, D. Zufferey, R. Majumdar. Incremental Synthesis of Symbolic Controllers in a Changing Environment. 2019. CDC’19. (PDF)

*R. Majumdar, N. Piterman, A.-K. Schmuck. Environmentally-friendly GR(1) Synthesis. 2019. TACAS’19. (DOI) (Full Version)

*G. B. Banus̆ić, R. Majumdar, M. Pirron, A.-K. Schmuck, and D. Zufferey. PGCD: Robot Programming and Verification with Geometry, Concurrency, and Dynamics. 2019. ICCPS’19. (DOI)

*K. Hsu, R. Majumdar, K. Mallik, A.-K. Schmuck. Lazy Abstraction-Based Control for Safety Specifications. 2018. CDC’18. ArXiv Preprint

A.-K. Schmuck, T. Moor, R. Majumdar. On the Relation between Reactive Synthesis and Supervisory Control for Input/Output Behaviours.  WODES’18, Italy, 2018. pdf, talk (screencast video)

*K. Hsu, R. Majumdar, K. Mallik, A.-K. Schmuck. Multi-Layered Abstraction-Based Controller Synthesis for Continuous-Time Systems. HSCC’18, Porto, Portugal, 2018. pdf

K. Mallik, S. Soudjani, A.-K. Schmuck, R. Majumdar. Compositional Construction of Finite State Abstractions for Stochastic Control Systems.  CDC’17, Melbourne, Australia, 2017. DOI

K. Mallik, A.-K. Schmuck. Supervisory controller synthesis for decomposable deterministic context free specification languages. WODES’16, 2016. DOI

A.-K. Schmuck, P. Tabuada, J. Raisch. Comparing Asynchronous l-Complete Approximations and Quotient Based Abstractions. CDC’15, Osaka, Japan, 2015. (extended version: ArXiv)

A.-K. Schmuck, J. Raisch. Constructing (Bi)Similar Finite State Abstractions using Asynchronous l-Complete Approximations. 53rd CDC’14, LA, USA, 2014. DOI

A.-K. Schmuck, J. Raisch. Simulation and Bisimulation over Multiple Time Scales in a Behavioral Setting. In Proceedings of the 22nd Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, Palermo, Italy, pages 517–524, 2014. DOI

A.-K. Schmuck, S. Schneider, J. Raisch, U. Nestmann. Extending Supervisory Controller Synthesis to Deterministic Pushdown Automata —Enforcing Controllability Least Restrictively. In WODES’14, pages 286–293, 2014. DOI     (Best Student Paper Award Finalist.)

S. Schneider, A.-K. Schmuck, U. Nestmann, J. Raisch. Reducing an Operational Supervisory Control Problem by Decomposition for Deterministic Pushdown Automata. WODES’14, pages 214–221, 2014. DOI

A.-K. Hess, A. Rantzer. Distributed Kalman Filter algorithms for self-localization of mobile devices. In HSCC’10, pages 191–200, 2010. ACM. DOI


A.-K. Schmuck. Building Bridges in Abstraction-Based Controller Synthesis — Advancing, Combining, and Comparing Methods from Computer Science and Control. 2015. PhD Thesis. Technische Universität Berlin. pdf, screencast (Recognition award for dissertations at the Universities of Berlin (Tiburtius-Preis 2016))

Technical Reports:

A.-K. Schmuck, M. Zareian. Abstraction-Based Output-Feedback Control with State-Based Specifications. 2021. (pdf)

A.-K. Schmuck, T. Moor, R. Majumdar. On the Relation between Reactive Synthesis and Supervisory Control of Non-Terminating Processes. 2017. Technical Report. MPI-SWS. pdf

S. Schneider, A.-K. Schmuck. Controller Synthesis for Deterministic Context Free Specification Languages. 2013. Technical Report. Technische Universität Berlin. pdf