- 12/22 — Our paper on “Computing Adequately Permissive Assumptions for Synthesis” got accepted to TACAS’23 (34% acceptance rate, ArXiv preprint)
- 12/22 — I’m co-organizing a virtual workshop on Control Software Synthesis for Cyber-Physical Systems in January and February 2023. Please have a look at our program and register (for free) here!
- 07/12/22 — I’m giving a talk in the Saarland Informatics Campus Joint Lecture Series
- 11/22 — 13 Million Euro funding for the extension of the Transregional Collaborative Research Center “Foundations of Perspicuous Software Systems”.
Within this DFG-funded research cluster I will co-lead the project on “Distributed Knowledge and Information Flow” with Bernd Finkbeiner (CISPA), starting in January 2023.
(official announcement)
- 04/11/22 — I’m giving a talk in the Mini-Workshop on “Formal Methods for Autonomous Systems” at Chalmers in Gothenburg, Sweden, hosted by Nir Piterman.
- 09/22 — Congratulations to my PhD student Ana M. Mainhardt for winning the best student paper award at WODES’22 for our paper on “Assume-Guarantee Synthesis of Decentralized Supervisory Control”.
- 07/22 — I’m serving as an Associate Editor for the IEEE Open Journal of Control Systems invited section “Formal Verification and Synthesis of Cyber-Physical Systems”.
Consider to submit your best papers! (CFP, deadline: March 15th, 2023 )
- 04/22 — Best paper award nominee, EATCS.
for our paper “A Direct Symbolic Algorithm for Solving Stochastic Rabin Games” together with T. Banerjee, R. Majumdar (MPI-SWS), K. Mallik (IST-Austria), and S. Soudjani (Newcastle University).
- 03/22 — I am honored to serve as the elected Ombudsperson of MPI-SWS for the coming 3 years.
- 01/22 — Our paper on “Supervisory Controller Synthesis for Non-terminating Processes is an Obliging Game“ (with R. Majumdar ) will appear in TAC.