I am a faculty member at the Max Planck Institute for Software Systems in Kaiserslautern, Germany, leading the Control Software Systems Group which is additionally funded by the Emmy Noether Programme of the German Science Foundation (DFG). If you want to know what I’m working on, check out this very recent academic story explaining our research to a general audience or visit our group website.
- 3/25 — Happy to be giving an invited talk at GT DAAL 2025, Paris!
- 12/24 — Our paper on “Synthesis of Universal Safety Controllers” got accepted to TACAS’25!
- 12/24 — Our paper on “Fair Quantitative Games” got accepted to FoSSaCS’25!
- 11/24 — Very proud that our paper on “A Decremental Algorithm for Fair Büchi Games” got the Distinguished Paper Award at ATVA’24.
- 10/24 — I’m honored to speak in the OxWoCS lecture series in Oxford, UK in February 2025.
- 5/24 — My former Post-Doc Ameneh Nejati has started a faculty position at Newcastle University, UK. Congratulations Amy!
- 4/24 — Mahdi Nazeri , the first ever Oxford-MaxPlanck PhD student, has joined the CSS group! He is co-supervised by myself and Sadegh Soudjani at MPI-SWS and by Alessandro Abate in Oxford.
- 3/24 — Our paper on “Localized Attractor Computations for Infinite-State Games” got accepted to CAV’24.
- 2/24 — Two papers accepted at HSCC’24 and one paper accepted at WODES’24 (see papers)!
- 1/24 — I’m honored to deliver a keynote talk at ATVA’24 in Kyoto, Japan!